Breastfeeding:Round Three Times Two?

Breastfeeding:Round Three Times Two? 1

It enters everyone’s mind. Can I breastfeed? Well, I hope I can.

Yup, I failed at breastfeeding. Twice.

Now, the twins will be born at a different hospital than their big sisters (Thank god after the last nightmare) and I have been told that there are eight lactation consultants for moms after delivery. It’s all they do. I really hope this means I won’t be man-handled by a nurse not throwing one but two babies on to me this time. I know that if there is a NICU stay, breastmilk is like GOLD. A nurse told me it is listed as a medication for babies in the NICU. I believe it.

I had issues with both Kelsie and Aubrey when it came to breastfeeding. With the twins, I’m wanting to keep things “natural” as possible (Although No, I’m not going into that labor fight without pain meds.). I want to cloth diaper. I want to breastfeed. Not only do I believe these will help them but I also know, expense-wise, it will save our family money.

I need to educate myself more and find the avenues to get where I need. While some say not to pump, I do intend to to keep my supply up and also have a way to have someone else help feed when it’s time.

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  1. Holy moly 8 consultants??? You can do it! I’ll be able to be there and help ya as much as I possibly can when the babies arrive. So proud of you! Xoxo

  2. If you ever need anything let me know! I nursed all the girls (extended). I also nursed through a pregnancy and tandem nursed. Emma and Lauren nursed at the same time…they bonded so well because of this. I also cloth diapered and even had a Wool cloth diaper cover that I made and sold called Stitchblade Grow With Me Longies and Shorties 🙂

    There is a photo of me nursing both the girls here…Lauren has her arm around Emma.

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