To say this pregnancy is going to be easy, well, that’s wishful thinking.
I’ve debated posting this and kind of gone back and forth with myself but, then again, someone else might be able to relate to my experience or maybe, someone might end up going through what I went through so far and not know what to do or where to turn.
After finding out we were expecting, the following day, I ended up back in the ER with cramping and pain I could only describe as the beginning of contractions. I had had some bleeding as well but the pain of the cramping was the worst and it would come and go.
Sure enough, I found myself in the back of an ambulance to a bigger hospital as a “threatened miscarriage”. After waiting several hours for an ultrasound, I was admitted.
During all of this, my hcg beta quantitative was just around 430. I became easily frustrated when I was seen by about four residents that all had a different story for me. Tanya, being the angel that she is, took time out of her weekend to come and be with me, as Steven had no choice but to go get our girls and bring them home. An attending came in and saw me and made me rest a bit assured that he thought things were going to be fine.
Tuesday, I had to do yet again, another blood draw. They weren’t going to rush the results and make me wait until Thursday or Friday but I spoke up and said no way am I waiting again. An hour later, the results were 991.
Friday I was to follow up again. After having doctors on Tuesday tell me that things were good and so forth, I can tell you what a slap in the face to walk into a doctor’s office and be greeted by a nurse with “So we’re seeing you for a miscarriage?” Um. If you are, you’ve got something to tell me. I then had another resident and attending tell me that I had miscarried and my numbers going up were just a fluke BUT they’d send me for an ultrasound and then draw blood again. I had to go back to the hospital and sit in horror, not knowing what was going on or who to believe. As I was greeted by the same individual that did the original ultrasound, I broke down crying and told her everything I just experienced. She soon remembered me from the weekend (I apologized for her being woke up at 3/4am to come to the hospital and see me) and said it was too early for any of them to be making any statements like that based on how things were.
Sure enough, we saw a gestational sac. There had been growth since the hospital stay. The doctor and attending were WRONG. Let’s just say when I went back into the office, no I was not nice. I lost my cool. This isn’t time for me to be a guinea pig. Someone that knows what they are doing needs to be in charge of my care.
Fast forward to this week, I had to call to get the hcg levels from Friday.4218. The lab made an error in my numbers increasing huh? Bullcrap. Don’t tell someone something is an error unless you have re-tested to ensure that it was indeed an error.
As I was on a variety of meds. to help with my pain issues, it has been less than fun cold turkeying the meds. I’ve had quite a few pain issues but then again, the start of alot of these things came pregnant with Aubrey.
This pregnancy is a miracle and hopefully, my stress will lessen. This has not been an easy two weeks. While most will be excited, I have spent lots of time crying but I pray that will change.
OMG, I can’t believe they told you that. You had every right to lose it. I’m so glad that you’re still pregnant and I hope you are able to manage the pain. Holly Cow, what a terrifying experience.
After being with my daughter through her miscarriage just a couple of months ago, I can assure you that if they had told us anything at all that was specualtion or not supported by the lab tests, I think we both would have come unglued. I really hope things get better for you.
Ugh gosh, docs can be so heartless. Sorry you had to go through that. I remember with DD they began talking about how I may have to “abort the pregnancy” due to a cyst or something – but they way they said it was just so nonchalant… I was furious.
Try to keep your stress level down honey, and remember people are stupid, lol, and just do what you have to do to keep that little bean happy and healthy in there. Much love and prayers for all of you! Hugs!
This sounds a lot like my pregnancy with Morgan. I went to the hospital for bleeding. They did blood draws and told me I was not pregnant. Then came back and told me that they had the wrong chart…I was pregnant but miscarrying. I told them they were wrong. Well they were half wrong. My numbers were high because I was carrying multiples. They did not know that. I did miscarry, but I was still carrying as well. They were so mean and harsh. Back and forth with different answers. It sucked ass. I know how you feel on this one!
That is definitely cause for you to be upset. I’m sorry that you are having problems and I hope that things will get better for you as you go through your pregnancy. You are the one that knows your body the best and sometimes doctors just act ignorant when dealing with others. I wish you luck in the rest of your pregnancy. I will definitely follow to see what happens.