With March 22nd marking World Water Day, it’s an important time to think about how healthy drinking water is for everyone.
International World Water Day is held annually on March 22nd as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.
Drinking clean water not only keeps you hydrated but works to keep our bodies working, protecting joints, removing waste, regulating body temperature and much more. The weather is warming up here so I have been trying to keep a better focus on drinking more water not only for the warmth coming but I know that water can help flush toxins out of our bodies, perfect for someone trying to work out and lose weight.
Recently I checked out the Filtrete Water Station. As I have been drinking more water, we live in a small town and tap water just doesn’t taste too great so I’ve found myself buying water. After awhile, the price starts to add up as well as the many plastic bottles that begin to collect. With the Filtrete Water Station, I can filter water myself so the girls and I both have water that is great and in reusable water bottles as well.
Features of the Filtrete Water Station-
- Provides the convenience of bottled water without the cost and waste
- Saves typical families up to $4,000 per year in bottled water costs
- Filters water directly from the tap into four, BPA-free reusable water bottles
- When full, place the bottles in the fridge for bottled water when you want it and attach additional bottles to the water station so the entire family has one
- Bottles are dishwasher safe and include a leak-proof cap for busy, on-the-go moms
- Provides the approximate recommended daily water intake — 64 ounces
- Helps reduce chlorine taste and odor and sediment
Filter lasts longer, filtering two and a half times more water than traditional pitcher filters
The Filtrete Water Station consists of a carbon fast flow filter, four water bottles, and the body or base of the station. Once you run water through the filter for a first time, set up truly takes only minutes. You have to run water through the filter once before filling. I did a quick fill up on video for you to see how fast it really is.
I have stored the bottles in our fridge, taking out bottles for me to take on the go for myself and as the girls need water throughout the day, I already have cold and filtered water I can pour straight into their sippy cups.
The Filtrete Water Station is available at mass merchandisers as well as online.
Retail Price includes:
- Filtrete Water Station-including 1 Docking station and lid, 1 Filtrete Fast Flow Filter, 4 16.9 oz water bottles:$42.99
- Filtete Water Bottles-2 16.9 oz-$15.99
- Filtrete Fast Flow Filter:$12.99
One For The Love of Baby! reader will win their very own Filtrete Water Station!
Enter To Win
- Take a look at the Filtrete website. Leave me a comment letting me know something you learned or another product you’d love to check out!
Additional Entries (above must be completed first)
- Follow me on Twitter @MommyJenna One Additional Entry
- Follow Filtrete Water on Twitter. One Additional Entry
- Become a Google Friend Connect Follower (bottom footer of page) One Additional Entry
- Become an e-mail subscriber of For The Love of Baby (see bottom of page) Two Additional Entries.
- Tweet about this giveaway linking back to the post for ONCE DAILY Unlimited Entries.
- Comment on any non-giveaway post. Leave me a comment here with a link to the post you commented on. Unlimited Entries.
Contest Open to US Mailing Addresses Only. Contest will End April 11th, 2011 at 11:59 PM CST. Winner will have 48 hours from the time contacted to claim prize. Winner will be drawn at random.
The bottles are BPA-Free!
I follow you on Twitter (@ms_fleur).
I can Save up to 3,000 bottles of water per year!
I follow Filtrete on Twitter (@ms_fleur).
I follow you on twitter (@LindsaySera)
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I follow Filtrete Water on Twitter (@LindsaySera)
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I follow you on GFC (Lindsay S)
filtrete water pitcher
This can save you up to 3000 bottles of water a year.
bottles are bpa free
I can save up to 3000 water bottles a year!
I follow loveofbaby 🙂
I also like the “Professional Under-sink Water Filtration Systems”.
They also make Air Purifiers, which I’d love to try.
I follow you on Twitter. @JessAriasCooper
I follow you on GFC
I follow Filtrete on Twitter. @JessAriasCooper
can save you up to 3000 bottles of water a year
I would also love the Professional Under-sink Water Filtration System
I follow you on twitter (@jjak2003)
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I learned that if you sign up and write a product review, you’re entered to win a $50 Visa Card.
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GFC name is Cindy M
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I tweeted this giveaway.
Twitter name is foodhistorian
I commented on your blog page ” ABC will NOT press charges against Chris Brown?
Also, suggested some interesting alternatives.
I learned that they make air purifiers!
I follow you on twitter as sleatham1
I Follow Filtrete Water on Twitter as sleatham1
GFC follower allysmama
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I learned this can save 3000 water bottles per year. WOW.
Thanks for the chance.
Filtrete also offers a pitcher and extra water bottles.
I joined you on twitter as mbm218
I joined Filtrete on twitter as mbm218
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I would also like to try their Ultra Clean Air Purifier: Large FAP03. calvad at aol dot com
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I learned that dust particles are invisible to the naked eye and can lurk in the air for a long time.
smchester at gmail dot com
I follow you on GFC as sweetsue.
smchester at gmail dot com
I would like to try the Filtrete Water Pitcher
I already follow on twitter.
I’m also following Filtrete Water on twitter.
I desperately want to win this Filtrete Water Station. The water in my office is absolutely disgusting! I also really like the Filtrete Pitcher although it wouldn’t be quite as convenient at work as the Reusable Water bottles!
Thanks for a great giveaway.
I follow you on Twitter!
I follow Filtrete on Twitter!
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Love the Water Bottles and that they’re BPA-free and dishwasher safe!
I follow you on Twitter
I follow Filtrete Water on Twitter
I follow on GFC!
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I would love to have a Filtrete Water Pitcher.
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I would love the water filter because we don’t have one on our fridge.
I follow you on twitter from @mominmanagement and @savingtoberich.
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Love to try the Filtrete water pitcher. Thanks for the giveaway.
4/9 daily tweet
the Clean Air Purifier look really cool
4/10 daily tweet
Following via GFC, thanks!
I would also love the water pitcher, thanks!
you will save 3000 bottles a year!! wow
i follow mommyjenna on twitter as @mommypr
i follow filtretewater on twitter as @mommypr
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I’d love to check out the Filtrete Water Pitcher too.
Tweeted ~ http://twitter.com/#!/susanlanai/status/57248181641158656
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I would also like to try the Filtrete Water Pitcher.
I am following via Google Friends Connect.
I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.
I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com #2.
This is a great product for the environment – no more bottles of water
I would love to try Professional Under-sink Water Filtration Systems thanks for the chance to win we moved and I hate the water here eaglesforjack@gmail.com
I follow your blog
I subscribe 1/2 eaglesforjack@gmail.com
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the Replacement Bottles, come in 19.9 fl oz Capacity
4/11 tweet
I learned about all the ways this can help the environment
I would also like to try the Air Filters
GFC follower (greenup06)
You can save up to 3,000 bottles a year with this.
Thanks for the contest.
GFC: slehan
Thanks for the giveaway…browsing the Filtrete website, it reminds me that I need to pick up a pair of Filtrete 1″ air filters for our HVAC system’s Spring change-out !
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
Following YOU via Twitter: @brianpiero
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
Twitter follow you: slehan
Following Filtrete Water via Twitter: @brianpiero
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
GFC Follower: Brian E.
Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/brianpiero/status/57660291118399488
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
I would love to check out the Ultra Clean Air Purifier: Large.