Wordless Wednesday: Aubrey loves John Cena

Wordless Wednesday: Aubrey loves John Cena 1

Yesterday on Twitter, I was checking John Cena’s page. He said something about making a sign with the hashtag #meepmoop. Well, I had been running errands all day yesterday so I made a quick sign for Aubrey to hold. She was already wearing her John Cena hat so it was perfect.

Wordless Wednesday: Aubrey loves John Cena 2

After WWE Raw, sure enough, as I was heading to bed, I got an alert.

And I opened my computer back up to see this.

Wordless Wednesday: Aubrey loves John Cena 3

Aubrey got John Cena to follow me on Twitter. That’s my girl 😉 She was pretty pumped to wake up and see that John Cena had seen her picture.

I’ve been trying for two years but she did it!

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    1. I was pretty excited but it made it even better to see her reaction when I showed her!

    1. I’ve told her when they come to our area again, we’ll be there 🙂 We went last time but he was stuck and late due to rain so he wasn’t outside signing autographs for that. 🙁

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