A few weeks ago, I was cruising around and noticed a neat program, MyLikes. So what is this might you ask? MyLikes is a Pay per click program that through Twitter, you can send out a post once daily about products or services you enjoy. Individuals check out your links, and ta-da! You get paid for tweeting. You can also send the messages to a blog post or Facebook. Something I find to be a great incentive with MyLikes is the fast payout. Every Friday, if you have accumulated over $2.00, you will be paid.
While you might say, “$2.00?? Big whoop”, I have been amazed at how quickly it pays out and I have received a payment every week. So what are you waiting for? Get over to MyLikes and check it out! If you are tweeting, you might as well get paid for sharing what you like!
1 Comment
Cool. Thanks for the heads up. 🙂
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