Aubrey Surgery Update

surgical bandages on elevated foot

Over the years, Aubrey has always been on the go. Unfortunately, she’s had the not so fun luck of easily spraining ankles, knees, and so on. We’ve come to the realization that we’ve all dealt with hypermobility that just makes our klutziness a bit harder to deal with and injuries more likely. As Aubrey has […]

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Postponing Surgery

I’m postponing my surgery. Call me a chicken, call me a wimp, call me whatever. After doing my pre-op interview and physical, I left crying. The nurse did not set my mind at ease in anyway. I asked about pain control since after my last “outpatient” surgery, I was stuck in the hospital for pain […]

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Tomorrow=surgery. To say I’m scared just doesn’t cover it. Today has been a whirlwind of emotions and anxiety. This isn’t exactly the knee surgery I had in high school. If you see my disappear, you’ll know why. I will try my best to update somehow (on the phone typing this all)

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