Show your Support for Ronald McDonald House Charities.

Show your Support for Ronald McDonald House Charities. 1

Show your Support for Ronald McDonald House Charities. 2As we all plan our Holiday get togethers, families everywhere are coming together during this time. Unfortunately, some children don’t have the chance to be home for the holidays. There are children everywhere that have no choice in the matter and will be stuck in a hospital during the Holidays. Ronald McDonald House Charities make it possible for those children’s families to be nearby so they are not alone. Their families can be with them and Ronald McDonald House Charities need YOUR help!

We all know that the economy is tough for everyone but when you think about the people reached everywhere by the services of Ronald McDonald House Charities, you also realize how much every penny really does count. Whether it’s dropping your change at a local McDonald’s or logging in online, you can help these families everywhere to be together in a child’s time of need.

Until December 31st, RHMC has made it a goal to receive 4200 donations. Every donation counts.

Dylan is a child. Dylan is a cancer survivor. His family was just one of millions touched by Ronald McDonald House Charities.

When Dylan was diagnosed with brain cancer, he needed his family by his side. What he and his family didn’t realize was that when they stayed at a Ronald McDonald House, they got a lot more support than anticipated. Dylan’s mom considered her experience at the House a secret weapon to recovery – it was a support system that kept her and her husband strong, so they could pass on that strength to Dylan.

Dylan never had to fear that his family would get stuck in traffic when he needed them. He took comfort knowing that his family was safe and in good care at a Ronald McDonald House. And when he got to stay at the House during his radiation treatments, he felt like another kid, not a kid with cancer.

After only five months Dylan was tumor free – due in no small part, doctors said, to the unwavering support from the veritable army of volunteers, families and staff at the Ronald McDonald House who treated the Przybysz family with a large dose of love.

None of us know when the time will come that one of our children, or a child we know will need to stay in the hospital. Ronald McDonald House Charities will be there if that time ever comes needed. Can you help?

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