Shopping for Huggies Pull-Ups with Wal-Mart Rollback Deals! #HuggiesWalmart

As a mom of four, I’ve been dealing with diapers for almost 6 years. While my oldest daughter, Kelsie, is potty trained and in school, it is now Aubrey’s turn to go through the potty training process.

While we have had some setbacks for her age due to some medical issues, she is 4 and still being potty trained. If there is one thing that makes her day, it’s having the chance to grab her own Pull-Ups and feel like a big girl. If there is one thing I’ve learned when it comes to potty training, it’s not to pressure a child and let them show you when they are ready. Aubrey has had her setbacks but when she succeeds, she does amazing.

Right now, she is wearing Pull-Ups primarily when we are out and about running errands or when she is sleeping. With the chance of her starting preschool soon, we also are in the works on stocking up on Pull-Ups for not just home but daycare as well.

WalMart recently rolled back Huggies Pull-Ups in various varieties, both in store and online. Before I headed to the store, I took the time to check out online and see what options we wanted.

Pull-Ups on

I really wanted to try the Cool Alert Training Pants as this would be perfect for sleeping. The Night Time Training Pants aren’t available in Aubrey’s size so I was ready to grab the Pull-Ups Cool Alert and Pull-Ups Learning Designs.

Newton Iowa Walmart Training Pants

Upon heading over to WalMart, I knew to find the baby section. The training pants are located in this section between baby wipes and baby diapers.


While I was able to find the Learning Designs and the signage for the 4T-5T Learning Designs Rollback, when it came time to grab the Pull-Ups off the shelf, I realized I was in a rut. While the shelf was full of the Learning Designs, they weren’t actually full of the sizes.

Luckily, Aubrey loves Cars and with the Learning Designs for Boys being Lightening McQueen, I knew she’d be happy with my picking out the Boys that were available in her size.

Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't wear these!
Just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean I can’t wear these!

Since my main goal was to really try out the Cool Alert and I knew the deals were available online, I decided I’d get the Pull-Ups we currently needed and order the rest to be shipped to our house. With the weather like it has been recently, being able to shop and know the same great items would come to my house without having to go out in the snow makes my day! Aubrey also loved being a big girl and helping me shop since she couldn’t go out in the cold weather (darn sickness!).

We will continue buying Huggies when it comes to potty training and when it’s time for the twins to potty train, you can bet they’ll be enjoying the same as their big sisters!

If you’d like to check out more of my shopping experience in store as well as online, check out our Google+ Story

“I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Huggies. #HuggiesWalmart #CBias #SocialFabric”

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1 Comment

  1. My daughter is expecting a new baby and I am always looking for ideas on how to buy diapers inexpensibly.

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