Hey all you busy people!
Spring has officially sprung, and many of you have probably resigned yourselves to the fact that you won’t have time to do the annual deep clean and sort out this year. I was in this situation a couple of weeks ago. However, faced with mountains of mail, laundry and toys my kids have outgrown I decided not to let my busy schedule prevent me from doing the things I need, and want, to do. Spring is a season for new beginnings, and I believe you get a real sense of starting fresh when cleansing your house. So, if you are rushed off your feet but desperate to detox your homes, here are my tips on how you to manage.
- Make a spring cleaning list
The first thing I would recommend is to create a list of all the things you want to achieve. I listed my chores from most to least important and worked my through them from the top to bottom. I found this helped me to stay focused and not to get distracted by jobs that were not on the list.
- Get help
If you don’t think you’ll manage it on your own the simple solution is: get some help! Whether it’s asking your partner, kids or other relatives for assistance, or paying for professional services, the more hands on deck, the more you’ll get gone. If you think you’ll need to pay for some services, you don’t need to spend a fortune. Pay for the complicated jobs to be done by the professionals, and do the rest yourself. For example, I used this website http://pest.24hourly.com/ to hire services to deal with an insect problem. However, I managed to do everything else on my spring clean myself.
- Do a little at a time
Your spring cleaning list will probably be long, and you may feel stressed every time you look at it. To avoid seeing it as an endless stream of tasks, divide it into more manageable chunks. If you find yourself with some time, even if it’s just half an hour, use this time to complete one item on the list. Sorting out a kitchen cupboard or cutlery drawer, for example, are chores that can be done when you can only afford short bursts of time. It might just be me, but I actually find little tasks like this help me to wind down at the end of a busy day.
- Use the right tools
One thing I’d recommend spending a little cash on is some good cleaning products and tools. They just make everything easier, quicker and cleaner. For example, on glass or mirrors use a specially designed product for these surfaces. General purpose surface cleaners will leave noticeable smears that you can spend forever trying to wipe away. Also, whenever you can take a shortcut, do. A vacuum cleaner nozzle is much easier and quicker at cleaning crumbs and dust from inside drawers than a damp cloth is.
Thank you busy people for taking the time to read this blog, and I hope that you find it helpful.