Kelsie has been fighting this awful cough/cold bug whatever it is for over two weeks now. Last night, she was up all night coughing so I made the decision to take her to her doctor. Next thing I know, she was getting a chest x-ray. “Luckily” we were told that it was bronchitis and not pneumonia. So now, she is on antibiotics and I’m trying to figure out the best things I can do to get her on the right track feeling better. This poor girl never gets a break!! Seriously, how do you deal with a little one being this sick? (((HUGS)))
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I say let her rest. On days it’s warm enough let her get a bit of sun without sunscreen, maybe 15 minutes or so.
Make sure she’s getting a good children’s vitamin and mineral supplement. Make sure it has vitamin D in it.
I just wouldn’t push too much. Bronchitis sometimes takes more than one round of antibiotics too, or sometimes they have to change to a different type if the first ones they prescribe don’t seem to be doing the trick. Did they also test her for exposure to TB? Little kids sometimes get exposed too, unfortunately. If she doesn’t get better I’d make the Doctor test for it. Note, just because you come up positive as being exposed to TB doesn’t mean you necessarily have it. Yet, if you are exposed there are medicines out there you can take to help you hopefully from getting the illness. The reason I know this is because my step-son’s cousin was exposed to TB in pre-school once and she had to go onto medication after she was tested to help her keep from getting it. The medication worked.