IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test Review and Giveaway!

IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test Review and Giveaway! 1

Since finding out about this pregnancy, it has been a constant go go go of surprises. After finding out it was twins, it’s been a whirlwind to take in.

A few weeks ago, I thought how fun it would be to start guessing about the twins and asked some of you to take a guess at what gender they would be. After that, we had the chance to check out the IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test. So what is the Gender Prediction Test?

IntelliGender’s Gender Prediction Test™ is a simple urine analysis similar to the pregnancy test you took a few weeks ago.  It uses first morning urine and a proprietary mix of chemicals which reacts with a combination of hormones to indicate the gender of your baby.  It can be performed as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy (six weeks from the first day of the missed period). It is an easy test to perform and provides quick results in-home so the news can be shared right away.

When it comes down to it, I wanted to have some fun as I’ve heard about the Intelligender for awhile before we were expecting. Now, since we are expecting identicals, it is much like testing for someone who has one baby. With an accuracy rate average of 90%, while it’s not an 100% guarantee, it still gives fun to our entire family and friends.

Each kit comes with the “test”, a liquid syringe, and a sample cup. After collecting your first morning urine, you collect urine with the syringe and slowly deposit into the sealed test. There are little crystals inside the test that are responsible for if your urine will become an orange (girl) or green (boy). After you swirl the test for about 10 seconds, you are to wait five minutes before reading. Anything after 8 minutes becomes an invalid test.

IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test Review and Giveaway! 2

After waiting, we were undecided for a few but IntelliGender allows you to send in a picture of your test if you are unsure for their team to read it. What they said made sense to me and to make sure you are looking at the liquid and not the sediment within the test.

IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test Review and Giveaway! 3According to the Intelligender test, we will be adding two more girls! I really am taking after my grandparents in the amount of girls! It will be a few more weeks before I can confirm with ultrasound if the IntelliGender was correct but I will keep you all posted!

Unfortunately, our test was wrong and we are having two little boys.

IntelliGender right now is having an awesome special and giveaway right now for all of you!

The IntelliGender GPT is $27.99 + Free S/H! If you order 2 or more kits you
will receive an additional 30% off. Moms can also enter to win a brand
new Red Joovy 360 Stroller (MSRP $269)!


One lucky For The Love of Baby! reader will win an IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test as well as IntelliCeuticals New Mom Rebalancing Drops!

IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test Review and Giveaway! 4

 Enter to Win! (Mandatory Entry)

  • Head over to the IntelliGender website and leave me a comment letting me know another product you would love or something you learned!


Additional Entries!

(Leave proof for each entry with links, Twitter names, etc!)

  • Follow @mommyjenna on Twitter One Additional Entry
  • Follow IntelliGender on Twitter One Additional Entry
  • Become a Facebook Fan of IntelliGender Two Additional Entry
  • Tweet about this giveaway Twice Daily Unlimited Entries
  • Become an e-mail subscriber of the IntelliGender Blog Two Additional Entries
  • Become an e-mail subscriber of For The Love of Baby! Two Additional Entries

Contest open to US Mailing addresses. Contest will end August 10th, 2011 at 11:59 PM CST. Winners will have 48 hours from the time e-mailed to claim prize.

All opinions are 100% our own based on our experience using this product.

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  1. This would be great – since I am pregnant but not yet ready to find out our child to be’s gender. I learned on the website that an independent study showed that the test was effective 87.6% of the time when used correctly.

  2. I would love the Baby’s Best Milk Drops


  3. Thanks for the chance!…The only other product I see them sell is the rebalancing drops. They also share myths after gender prediction and have a Chinese gender chart.

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