I have Fibromyalgia

After three and a half years of constantly fulling run down, in pain, or just plain crazy not being able to do something-I finally have an answer. I have fibromyalgia. It took this long to finally getting an answer, being treated like I was dumb or just over exaggerating, being called weak, eyes rolled, and well, alot of unmentionable situations I’d rather not bring up and remember.

As I read information that was given to me today-I feel relief. No, it’s not something to be excited about but finally someone that understands and acknowledges what is going on with my body and myself.

Today, my doctor asked me questions about anything and everything related to me. Literally questions about me from head to toe. It was not a rush in and out type of appointment. Things were explained to me, and he listened. At first I was scared thinking it was going to turn into one of the “Yup yup uh huh” appointments but it did not.

  • The FM diagnostic criteria, established by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) in 1990, include a history of widespread pain in all four quadrants of the body for a minimum duration of three months, and pain in at least 11 of 18 designated tender points when a specified amount of pressure is applied.
  • Since people with FM tend to look healthy and conventional tests are typically normal, a physician knowledgeable about the illness is necessary to make a diagnosis.
  • Physicians should rule out other causes of the symptoms before making a diagnosis of fibromyalgia.

A friend told me you don’t realize some of your tender points until a doctor gets pushing around a bit. She was right. My pain scale was something along the lines of-Little bit tender, that one was sore, yeah that hurt, OK OUCH. (No matter what happens, I’ll always have my sense of humor right?)

I have Fibromyalgia 1

He told me he knew I was intelligent and would do my research to discover what would work best for me. He told me we might have to try meds I have tried in the past. I said so long as we start me off slow, I’d be willing to try. He acknowledged and said yes.

Today I have an answer for my “torture” if you will. Hopefully, by writing this out-I can help someone else experiencing similar. I finally learned to stick up for yourself and stand your ground. If you feel ignored or as if you are being shrugged off, go elsewhere. You are your biggest advocate and sometimes it does take going through more than you deserve to realize such.

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  1. Well a DX helps!
    I sort of had the feeling you would get this DX, I may of mentioned it. Yes there is lots of meds to try, and it may take a while to find the right one or the right combo… usually the first to try is elavil, I ended up allergic, but I am allergic to just about everything! but it is a drug that been around a long time used for several things, and I think they try it first as for most people it helps them rest to fall asleep… you may have a hang over feeling the next day, more tried 7 groggy, if you can tough it out lots can past this… there are lots of therapies too… I am sure he gave you lots of info & you are savvy with the computer so you will find lots on the web. Start with the Arthritis foundations site. and there are lots of fibro groups now & support sites. If need a quick Q answered just holler!

    good luck & hope you feel better soon! every day is different with this… just like everyone feels different with it, so do not let anyone tell you , I know so&so & they can do XYZ no problem… blahh blahh…
    It took this long to get a DX, now it will take time to try to get some decent control.

    Healing hugs, from one who feels it along with you!
    .-= Faythe @GrammyMousetails´s last blog ..Brew Crew dunks Pirates! =-.

    1. Thank you Faythe! I am doing all my research as we speak LOL. I know that I have to stay strong and stick it out even if I do have the hangover feeling until my body gets it all in it’s system. That will be my hardest at this point!

  2. I also have Fibromyalgia, honey… You know how to reach me if you ever need to talk 🙂 hugs Glad you finally got some answers!

  3. WOW! I am so sorry to hear this but grateful that you know what it is! I get migrains and unless I am around someone who also has them I try to keep my mouth shut cause people just don’t understand!
    .-= Shasta´s last blog ..Win Tickets To The Gulf Coast Reptile Expo- Enter Today! =-.

  4. I think fibromyalgia is one of the hardest diagnosis to get a doctor to agree too. So many people think it’s not real, but the pain is there for you so I’m glad you are finding some relief.

  5. I’m so glad you finally got a definitive answer. I know what you mean about how it’s not a happy thing, but it is a relief. There are so many different things you can try. I’ve never met any 2 people with fibro that the same things work for them in exactly the same ways. I started off on meds too, and was able to wean off of them eventually. I consider myself lucky because some people can’t. It takes A LOT of trial and error, but you’ll do your research and find what works for you and what doesn’t. You also have my e-mail.
    .-= Amanda´s last blog ..Doing the Right Thing =-.

  6. Won’t it be great when someday they actually find out what causes the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. I imagine it will someday be found in mitrochondrial genetic neurological research. Will cross my fingers for a some day cure.

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