There’s just something about being a parent that makes the chore of laundry sometimes seem a daunting task. From stains from that piece of pizza that drops on the shirt to extra towels, the pile of laundry sometimes seems a never ending process.
With two little girls, laundry stains often times means the spilled food accidents, markers that didn’t quite reach the paper, or those knees of the jeans that hit the ground with a little too much force.
As Kelsie has sensitive skin, our family has used dye-free and fragrance-free laundry products for some time now. Instead of paying for the expensive baby detergent, it just made sense to switch our entire family to a product the entire family can use. Now with two newborn babies on the way, we know the laundry is about to get even bigger.
Living in an apartment, sometimes getting to the laundry instantly can be a task and with stains, we all know sometimes that wait can destroy a brand new shirt. Recently we had the chance to check out new Shout Free Laundry Stain Remover Spray. Not only is Shout Free dye-free and fragrance-free, it also contains 99% natural ingredients. What a huge relief for our family to be able to treat stains and not worry about chemicals that can irritate the sensitive skin in our family.
Having Shout Free makes laundry easier for our family as we don’t have to panic that something needs washed instantly. We can treat stains with Shout spray and not have to rush to get laundry into the next building or laundromat before that stain destroys our favorite clothes for the girls. When I think about the stains that come with a newborn (OR TWO!) in the house, having an instant way to treat stains and not worry about dyes or fragrances can definitely ease this mom’s mind.
Want to check out NEW Shout Free or Color Catcher with Oxi? Head over to the Shout Facebook page to learn more about the latest in making laundry easier and to download a coupon to save as well.
Two For The Love of Baby! readers will also get to try Shout Free for themselves!
“I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Shout and received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”
Chocolate ice cream on the kids’ clothes usually gives me the most grief
Tomato sauces are so bad! And we LOVE spaghetti, lasagna, tomato-veggie soup!
My toughest is mustard stains
food, dirt
baby poop!
Dirt stains on football uniform pants
tomato sauce and ketchup.
toughest stain is blood or machinery grease
Tomato sauce!
Baby spit up is my toughest laundry challenge.
Grass stains.
Chocolate and grass stains from the kid’s are the worst! Happy holidays! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
My biggest stain is usually grass!
My toughest stain challenge are my daughters finger paints.
My toughest is the oil and grease from my husbands clothes. He is a mechanic
My toughest challenge is oily food stains.
blood and food stains
“ring around the collar” on my husbands shirts
My biggest stains are food stains.
Motor grease has to be the toughest stain.
grease is always a problem
Recently, it’s been the grease from some foods.
We play football, hard… so grass and mud stains get pretty bad.
grass stains
Food stains are super tough for me!
grease for me
My toughest task is getting my toddler son’s stains out. Food, grass etc!
Getting grease stains out.. my husband works in the oil field.. his clothes get SOO dirty!
kelseylouiseapley at gmail dot com
It’s always grease from my husband job
My toughest stain challenge is juice stains, especially grape juice.
Oil stains
Grease splatters on the clothes are my toughest challenge.
my toughest is grass stains on the knees i can never seem to get them out