The #WWEMoms are ready to celebrate Mother’s Day with the help of Susan G Komen TONIGHT on Twitter. #WWEmoms When: TODAY, Thursday, May 5, 2016 7:00 – 8:00 pm ET 4:00 – 5:00 pm PT Join @WWEmoms @SusanGKomen and friends at 7 pm ET (4 pm PT) on Thursday, May 5 as we encourage you to share your […]
Total Divas #WWEMoms Twitter Party Event TONIGHT #TotalDivas
It’s time again for another season of TOTAL DIVAS, following the strong women that make up part of the Divas roster within the WWE Universe and that also means, time for a #WWEMoms Twitter Party. Join @WWEMoms on the #WWEMoms hashtag to talk everything Diva. What will happen this season as new Divas are followed? When: […]
#WWEMoms Twitter Party TONIGHT 7PM ET
If there’s one thing I look forward to every year during the Holidays, it’s definitely the WWE honoring our military men and women with the Tribute to the Troops. My boyfriend served in the Marines and was a part of Operation Iraqi Freedom so showing support for our armed forces means even more to me […]
SummerSlam 2013 and Celebrate with the #WWEMoms!
It’s almost time for one of the fans’ favorite pay-per-view, SummerSlam! The Match Card includes: John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar AJ Lee and Big E. Langston vs. Kaitlyn and Dolph Ziggler Damien Sandow vs. Cody Rhodes and many more! Anyone that knows me knows, that John Cena match will be […]
WWEMoms and Hire Heroes USA Twitter Party May 23rd
In honor of Memorial Day, the WWE is teaming up with Hire Heroes USA, an organization for helping our military veterans with personal job search training and assistance. The #WWEMoms are ready to spread the word on Twitter! Join WWEmoms for A SPECIAL ‘HIRE HEROES‘ TWITTER PARTY Thursday, May 23, 2013 7 – 8 pm ET 4 […]
Wrestlemania Reading Challenge #WWEMoms Twitter Party!
As a die-hard WWE fan and member of the WWEMoms, I can tell you that my love for the WWE is more than just the in-ring events you see on TV or live at an event. The WWE has shown it’s support of outreach in so many ways and now, they’ve done it again with […]