Oh if only we could know what they’re saying to each other….
Wordless Wednesday:Tickle Tickle Tickle! #WW
So this might not be wordless per say but, I have a feeling you’ll love it all the same 😉 There’s never a dull moment when you have twins.
Wordless Wednesday:Here comes double trouble #WW #Linky
The twins have been rip roaring ready to go, especially when it comes to going outside. It’s pretty fun watching them take off to explore. Just be sure to watch where they’re going as they take off in a flash.
Adorable Twins Laughing Video
To help prevent a Case of the Mondays, here’s something I caught on video this weekend that’s sure to make you smile. I hope you all have an awesome week!
The Twins Laughing
The boys are getting quite comical, especially when they are interacting with each other. We have head shaking, squealing, laughing….ALL OF IT. Last night, I caught the boys shaking their heads and just giggling and squealing away. Daddy started reading a book and of course, they just had to have a blast. Now, I always […]
Wordless Wednesday:Dimples and Giggles
These two little boys crack me up.
Ornery Twin Boys
Our little guys are full of spunk and orneriness. This past week, they have been wild childs. The other night, I was able to catch some of their antics on video. Who wants to come hang out?
Twins 12 Month Update
It is impossible for me to believe that Nathan and Lucas have been with us an entire YEAR! They just had their 12 month Well Child appointments as well as their physical therapist appointment here at home. Sure enough, we had nothing but good news! Nathan and Lucas both met all of their twelve month […]
Wordless Wednesday:No Pictures Mom! #WW #linky
The other night, I really wanted to get a picture of the boys together on the couch. Well, I failed. Miserably. And they laughed the entire time Mom kept moving them back to sitting by each other as they both were trying to jump head first off the couch.
Wordless Wednesday:How You Doin’
These little guys are almost a year old. Hold me.
Wordless Wednesday:Trouble Trouble, Double Trouble
Poor Boys. You know they have older sisters when they have to lay on a pink sleeping bag spread out for them 😛