“What will it take to get passed this?” I honestly don’t know. Just part of the conversation I had today while in therapy. Yes, I’m blogging about therapy. No, that doesn’t make me some nut case. I’m just sick of the taboo that individuals in my situation have faced and feeling ashamed. I blame myself […]
Keeping a Secret inside
I’ve fought with this post over and over again. Not knowing whether or not I have the courage to put it out here as I’ve hid from the majority of those around me for two years now. I’m shaking as I type. As a Mom, I never get a break. My kids are my 24/7 […]
Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month
April is the designated Sexual Assault Awareness Month in the United States. Sexual assault can happen to anyone at anytime. According to the Rape Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) 97 out of 100 rapists will walk free, receiving no punishment. 54% of assaults are never reported. Every two minutes someone in the United States […]