Yes, our house has been go go go or sick sick sick all week. Rather than type more out, I decided to record a quick video. Lots going on and I hope to get back to writing more but with my new webcam, maybe more videos!
Stay connected to MommyJenna on Social Media
With our recent re-design, we’ve been updating our social media accounts! We were unable to change our Facebook page and lost NINETY percent of our followers! We’d love to have you connect with MommyJenna to stay on top of what we’re doing! Connect with MommyJenna MommyJenna on Facebook MommyJenna on Twitter MommyJenna on Pinterest MommyJenna […]
For The Love of Baby will become…
It has been a long time coming but I’ve been feeling the need for a change. When I first started out blogging, I had no idea what it would become. As the next few weeks go on, get ready for a whole new look with the same fun posts (and of course, cutie pie pictures!). […]