It’s Storm season here in Iowa and of course, the little ones want to look outside too, right? Oh silly little boy.
Wordless Wednesday:I See You
Oh how I love those eyes.
Wordless Wednesday:Mohawk Man #WW #Linky
This little man loves having his hair spiked as much as he loves looking at himself on the cell phone. While hospitalized, everyone told them how much they loved his hair.
Wordless Wednesday:Monkey Baby #WW #linky
Oh the joys of toddlers. Ornery little men. There’s never a dull moment in this house with twins.
Wordless Wednesday:Photogenic #WW #Linky
He makes taking pictures so easy. While everyone else was napping, he and Mommy took off outside with the camera. He still can’t stand the grass but man does Lucas love making a run for it.
Wordless Wednesday:One Cool Dude #WW Linky
The twins have definitely got personality starting to show.
Baby Laughing at Reflection
If I was to put up a camcorder in our home, you’d find yourself laughing and at times, wanting to pull your hair out at the chaos. I didn’t sleep much last night as I got sick with a cold (possibly strep throat) that has set me in a fibro flareup. When Nathan woke up, […]
Wordless Wednesday:What a Big Boy
Where does the time go? I still can’t believe the twins are almost one.
Wordless Wednesday:Oh I’m in Trouble
That freaking face says it all.
Wordless Wednesday:FOOTBALL!! #ww #linky
I love when babies get to the age where they start “discovering”. I get to experience it x2 right now. There’s lots of laughs.