Have you been looking for a way to make some easy money online? Then I would suggest you definitely check out YouData.com. The site is simple and very easy to find your way around. All you need is a Paypal address for YouData to send your payment to and you can quickly get started!
There are several surveys that you can then answer about yourself, your household, and your lifestyle. Based on your answers, YouData then pulls the appropriate ads to match your interests. How do you make the money you ask? Just LOOK at the ad and then click through to the website. I’ve seen several great websites that are new to me and several ones that are actually sites I look at on a regular basis.
Now this is no get rich instantly thing but it’s easy and you get a payment every Friday from YouData. Now it is nothing too big but in one week, I made $5.00 already looking at sites. Go Check it Out!