Writing a Book with Self-Publishing, CaryPress International

Writing a Book with Self-Publishing, CaryPress International 1

So you are a blogger, and now considering metamorphosis into a resplendent, brilliant butterfly, Umm… we mean, an author. If you’ve got a book in you, now it’s just time to bring it out! The fastest way to do that is via self publishing, like CaryPress International.

Here’s a bit of a statistic that shows you are in good company: 81% of Americans want to write a book. Writer Joseph Epstein shared this years ago, and we can bet that that number still holds true.

We prepared a simple checklist you can use to help you ensure you have the main processes taken care of:

Pre-Writing During Writing Post-Writing Post-Publishing
Have an aerial view of your book’s content. Focus on length of each chapter; no imbalanced content where one chapter has one page, while the next has 12 pages of content. Hire an editor and a proof reader.
Review marketing results, tweak and consider maintaining marketing or upgrading.
Create a rough draft for a Table of Contents. Set up a group of Beta Readers; at least 4 people. Choose one of the self publishing packages and get a timeline from the publisher. Gather ideas for creating 2nd edition or your new book.
Have a vision for your book cover. Talk to copy editors and developmental editors to gain an idea which one will you need.
Plan a marketing campaign using at least five different strategies; Set up a system to measure results of your marketing efforts.

Our differentiator? That would be the diversity of support services we offer our authors, mainly our book marketing/sales programs:

CaryPress Book Sales Booster
Examples of Work:

Writing a Book with Self-Publishing, CaryPress International 2










Women EMPOWERMENT at Work: Create Your Own Success By Lisa Tierney, CLSC


Writing a Book with Self-Publishing, CaryPress International 3










Satchel: A Cherokee Girl Tells All

NOW For the FUN part! Want a self publishing company to work with you? Of course you do! Enter to win below!

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