Wordless Wednesday:Tummy Time #ww #linky

Wordless Wednesday:Tummy Time #ww #linky 1

“Mom, this is tough work!”

Wordless Wednesday:Tummy Time #ww #linky 2

Wordless Wednesday:Tummy Time #ww #linky 3

Wordless Wednesday:Tummy Time #ww #linky 4

They are growing way way too fast!

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  1. the time goes by SO fast! You will feel so overwhelmed and think it will never get easy and all of a sudden you realize, omgosh, my twins aren’t babies any more.
    Savor it! as much as you can 🙂

  2. They are working so hard. I love their expressions it’s almost like you know what they are saying “this is hard work!”

  3. they are getting so big. I always felt like such a meaning with tummy time cuz it IS hard work for them. but they look like they are doing great

    1. I feel bad too but I literally get right down on the floor with them and try getting them to look up to my face right there 🙂 Gotta get those little neck muscles working!

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