Wordless Wednesday:POPCORN!!!

Wordless Wednesday:POPCORN!!! 1

After seeing this guy and his friends going nuts for Popcorn (I sure hope there weren’t kernels in those pieces!) at the Navy Pier in Chicago, I “named” him Popcorn. Of course, after taking the picture, I had to make a run for it because the seagulls kept diving to get goodies dropped on the ground.

Wordless Wednesday:POPCORN!!! 2


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  1. I freaking love Navy Pier!!! I saw a bird exactly like that one on lake st. walking to the train station to go home Sunday!

  2. So fun! Yeah, you totally have to watch out for those sea gulls down there. They’ll take you for all you have! LOL

  3. LOL! I can just see you running now! I would have a hard time giving up my popcorn though. I have a small popcorn addiction!=P

  4. Birds give me the heebie jeebies. They’re just so….bird-like. Very nice shot, though!

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