Wordless Wednesday:Double Trouble #linky

Wordless Wednesday:Double Trouble #linky 1

I’m still stunned….



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  1. Wow that is the best wordless wednesday ever there are no words! Except congrats X2 of course!! I think its boy girl twins 🙂

  2. I am just as shocked as you are! I love that you called me first! HeHe! Love you and my future babies! <3

  3. OH WOW!! congratulations!! that’s amazing – how are you doing?? (emotionally – not just physically!) a friend of mine just gave birth to twin boys – she found out at her 20wk ultrasound that it was TWO instead of one… they already had two (a 3yr old and a 5yr old) and this was a HUGE shock. She cried for two days before calming down… now she couldn’t imagine anything else 🙂

    wishing you all the best!! xo

    1. I just found out at 2:30 today so I am still shell shocked!! We have two girls already so yeah, it’s stunning!! I’m holding it together but omg, I am freaking out and excited at the same time!

  4. COngrats! I’ve been reading about you feeling sick so not wonder why you have two little ones in there! That is so awsome, I bet you feel nervous too, but what a joy!

  5. Just had to say something about keping up with me huh? Then I had to reply that we’d stil be one up on you didn’t I… ok I’ll take the blame for jynxing it 😛 sorry I’m ornery

  6. Congratulations! This is so exciting (and overwhelming for you I’m sure)! Can they tell yet if they are sharing the same sac or if they are in their own?

  7. Sooooo excited for you! It looks like they are in the same sac…. That means identicals, right?

    1. They said it’s still to early to be 100% sure but as of right now, identicals 🙂 I’m gonna need toe tags LOL

  8. Jenna, it will really be okay! Congratulations!

    I walked around in stunned silence for days after the tech told me I had two babies in there. But having twins is just awesome, and really not all that hard. I’m here if you need me!

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