Wordless Wednesday-Aubrey the Kitty Cat

Wordless Wednesday-Aubrey the Kitty Cat 1




“Kitty Meow Meow Nigh Nigh Mommy!”

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  1. So that is what that thing in my living room is for!
    My cats don’t use it too often.
    I love that she brought her blanket.

  2. Too cute. We had a cat tree similar to that. I’m pretty sure if I had kids when we had it, they’d be climbing it too.

  3. That is adorable! I’m sure my daughter will do the same thing in a year or two LOL

  4. LOL — that looks like what my daughter would try; she LOVE playing like she’s a kitty . . or a dog . . or a horse. .. and, sometimes, an alligator.

  5. I know my kids would sleep in all the weirdest places possible around our home, anything but the bed.
    I love the photos, happy WW.

    1. LOL the cats get annoyed when they’re up there but other than that they ignore it lol. She’s a trouble monkey.

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