When it Rains, it Pours

Before graduating high school, I rode along with an ambulance for a job shadow. I loved it.

Bruises from IV and lab work
Bruises from IV and lab work

After this week, I’ve now been in an ambulance three times for myself and once for a child.

They say when it rains it pours and man oh man, do I agree with that statement after the week I had. I have not had blood pressures since Aubrey was a baby so over four years ago but this past week, my body has decided with everything else going on, it was time to pick on me a bit more. Thursday night, after struggling all day with not feeling too great from what’s been going on, I started throwing up, chest pain, and I knew the blood pressure was climbing. So before we knew it, my town’s police chief and two EMS were here and taking over.

Maybe it’s part of my pride but I kept apologizing and saying I felt like an idiot. I was still talking and awake so did I really need an ambulance?
My blood pressure was high enough that the medic taking care of me had a “Whoa” when I told her my normal is usually so low they pick on me and ask if I’m alive.

So off to the hospital we went. Chest X-ray, human pin cushion, the whole works. Blood pressure blamed on the headache and my pain….yeah, I think there’s more to it than that but for now, I’m taking it as easy as I can with the twins, big sisters having school (Kelsie has oral surgery this upcoming week), and dealing with online issues and trying to keep a business running.

This week has been stressful and anyone that knows me knows I don’t do well with the sit down and take it easy. I always have to have something going on.

When things are settled, I have plans for some volunteer work and “Paying it forward”. Sometimes that’s the best coping skill.

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