Ultimate Blog Party 2014 #UBP14

Ultimate Blog Party 2014 #UBP14 1

Each year, 5 Minutes for Mom holds the ULTIMATE BLOG PARTY and it’s that time of year!

If you are looking to find more blogs worth checking out, get to know other bloggers, win prizes, and more, this is the event for you!

Thank you for taking the time to head over to my little area and I hope to see you all around more!

Mom and children

My name is Jenna and I am the mom of the four adorable kiddos you see above ๐Ÿ˜‰ Kelsie is 7, Aubrey 5, and yes, those are twins, Lucas and Nathan are showing their independence in those terrible twos years.

I’ve lived in Iowa for 99% of my life. You will find me blogging about life as a Mom of twins, balancing life, and dealing with fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed six years ago and while it’s been a hard six years, I continue to try reading any research I can and sharing my experiences in hopes that I can help someone else. Recently, I’ve been exploring essential oilsย and more natural ways to deal without all the side effects of meds. While I still take medications, it’s nice knowing that there are alternatives out there for all of us to try.

While there are so many talented bloggers out there, I would say my main blogging is informative, in the hopes that through my experiences, I can help someone. Every once in awhile I get a good idea and you’ll find a fun recipe for the family.

Social Media

You can find me active on a variety of outlets




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  1. Hey, nice to meet you! I am a twin and I’ve heard my mom talk about the first years with me and my brother so I admire you!!! Plus having fibro! (My aunt has fibro!) Wow. You are amazing! Looking forward to following your blog and getting to know you better! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for joining the party!

  2. Hi Jenna – I’m stopping by from the party – your kids are adorable! I have twins too – a girl and a boy who are just 15 months old, and I know what you mean about asserting their independence! I have been diagnosed with pregnancy related osteoporosis and sustained multiple fractures last year in my spine, so I know what it’s like to be a mother when you’re not fully fit and healthy. Looking forward to getting to know you more and read more of your blog.


  3. Hi Jenna! Nice to meet you! Your kiddos are adorable–I’ll be interested in reading about your experience with fibro. My aunt has fibro and would love to learn a bit more about it.

    Party on & I’m looking forward to seeing more of your posts!

  4. Stopping by from UBP! So nice to meet you. You kids are adorable. I have one two year old so hats off to you for having the patience to deal with 2 ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Stopping by from the party – what a lovely pic! My blogger friend often blogs about her fibromyalgia so it is nice to see other people writing about it and helping to inform people ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Stopping by from UBP14. Nice to meet you Jenna! Such a great looking family! I remember the terrible twos with our twins (they’re 5 now).. but man we had our hands full.

    Love the blog by the way!

  7. My mom has fibro too. It totally f’ing SUCKS!!!! I can not begin to imagine how you do it with all those rugrats running around.

  8. I found you from the UBP14. I also have twins though mine are a bit older and b/g. I will say 2 was my favorite age so far. Birth to age 1 was the most challenging. I look forward to reading more about you and your family.

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