With Fall coming into full swing, we can also expect some great new fall lineups on television.
CBS has created two new shows that have definitely got my attention and I can’t wait for the Premieres.
The Good Wife brings back Emmy Award winner Julianna Margulies in a show we’ve all seen in the headlines before. A politician caught in a scandal. An abuse of office. But do we ever really see what happens to those on the sidelines? Margulies plays Alicia Florrick, a wife that finds herself re-entering the work force and having to re-establish herself after standing beside her husband in his political career and being a Mother. The Good Wife will premiere Tuesday, September 22nd on CBS.
Another great show coming to CBS this fall is the medical drama, Three Rivers. Starring Alex O’Laughlin and Katherine Moenning, this show opens the world to the experiences the doctors and families encounter when an organ transplant is necessary. Three Rivers will premiere Sunday, October 4th. From the persepective of the donor’s family, the recipient, and the doctors involved in these cases, it is sure to keep you on your toes.
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I’m looking forward to both of these shows as well, if I can find time for tv. Darn blogosphere sucks most of my free time! Very addicting.