Third Trimester and Moving Babies

Third Trimester and Moving Babies 1

Today marked another ultrasound for our little boys. Both big sisters got to come along and check out-of course, as exciting as seeing black and white pictures on a tv can be but the room went silent hearing both of those heartbeats.

In the past few days, there has been LOTS of movement and this mommy has been pretty sore. Sure enough, ultrasound showed that Baby B (Nathan) is no longer transverse and has moved into vertex alongside Baby A (Lucas). No wonder the ribs have had so many direct hits 😉

Both boys were squirm worms but we weren’t able to get any face shots as they were both facing away from the front of my belly *sigh* It was almost odd seeing them both “where they were supposed to be” and we were stunned to see how big they were. Lucas was weighing in at approximately 3lbs 2oz. and Nathan at 3lbs. 9 oz. My ultrasound tech wasn’t surprised when I told her how sore I had felt from almost a grinding sensation but she said that’s exactly what was going on as they were shaking their heads back and forth against each other.

So while the pressure has moved off the ribs, it’s a more direct hit when it comes to those rib shots. 😉

Third Trimester and Moving Babies 2One word when it comes to this picture….OWIE.

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  1. Sorry to hear about the discomfort for you but that has to be reassuring to hear that they’re growing and developing so well!

  2. Oh man, just one baby boy had me suffering, lol! But I’m so excited for you, having twins! I always wanted twins. 🙂

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