The Ultimate Singstar Dance Party-House Party

The Ultimate Singstar Dance Party-House Party 1

The Ultimate Singstar Dance Party-House Party 2A little while ago, I heard about House Party as I was exploring online and I knew it was something I had to join. I love having friends and family over to just kick back and relax.

The Ultimate Singstar Dance Party-House Party 3My recent house party was for the Ultimate Singstar Dance Party, a new game to be used with the Playstation Move. Can I just say how much of a blast this was? Of course, everyone gets a little nervous to get up and dance or sing in front of a group but we all had a laugh, even if it was at my expense attempting to keep up with the dance for Baby Got Back.

Ultimate Singstar Dance Party can be played in several different formats from song battle to dance duos. You can have one player singing while the other dances and so forth. There really are a variety of options to get your playing just right. While our guests were showing up, Steven went onto the Playstation Network to download additional songs for people to choose from. There were a little bit over 900 songs to choose from. You do have to pay extra for such but when it comes to having a karaoke party like we did, you have to have variety.

After having the chance to check out the Playstation Move and Ultimate Singstar Dance Party, we’ve been on the lookout for more Playstation Move compatible games worth checking out. I love playing video games with the Move simply for the fact you are getting up and active-not just sitting and pushing buttons over and over again. While others sang and I danced, I was clearly getting my blood pumping.

For our party, I created a “mix and match” of foods to snack on while we had some fun-

  • Cheeseballs
  • Cheesy Mexican Dip
  • Chips
  • Sugar Cookies
  • Sandwiches
  • Pop, Water, Juice-something for everyone

This House Party was my favorite party to host so far. It wasn’t awkward at all. No pressure on anyone to sing if they didn’t want to and  for those that did, we shared plenty of laughs. My brothers (the gaming kings) have played Ultimate Singstar Dance Party outside of our party time frame and also gotten a kick out of singing and seeing which adults within the family they can beat. We will be keeping up with learning about more Playstation 3 games that we can get everyone involved in playing!

My Mom and Gunnar trying out the game and hamming it up! In all fairness, Mom had no clue I was recording her until my little brother Matthew said something. And she brought up me posting it on the net before I had even thought of it 😉

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