Reading is such an important thing in my children and my life. I fell in love with reading when I was a young girl and I am a firm believer that reading helps children to grow their creativity and develop some amazing skills. Each year, the WWE hosts the WrestleMania Reading Challenge, getting children excited […]
#WWEMoms Twitter Party-Join The Wrestlemania Reading Challenge
Literacy in my children is something of great importance to me. Growing up, I loved reading and it helped me grow many skills. With two of my children now in school and the twins about to start preschool, I want them all to love reading the same way I did as a child. With the […]
WrestleMania Reading Challenge #WWEMoms Twitter Party TODAY
I have been compensated for this post and for participating in the WWEmoms campaign by The Online Mom – all opinions expressed here are my own. Last month, I shared with you about the WWE WrestleMania Reading Challenge and how excited my girls are to participate. It is so important to our family to stay active […]
2014 Wrestlemania Reading Challenge #WWEMoms
I have been compensated for this post and for participating in the WWEmoms campaign by The Online Mom – all opinions expressed here are my own. Reading is an important part of every child’s life. If there’s one moment of the day that each of my children love, it’s story time. Whether it’s Daddy sitting […]
Wrestlemania Reading Challenge #WWEMoms Twitter Party!
As a die-hard WWE fan and member of the WWEMoms, I can tell you that my love for the WWE is more than just the in-ring events you see on TV or live at an event. The WWE has shown it’s support of outreach in so many ways and now, they’ve done it again with […]
Take the WWE Wrestlemania Reading Challenge #WWEMoms
As many of you know, I am a huge WWE fan and have recently had the chance to work with the #WWEMoms. The WWE participates in a huge amount of social good campaigns and do their part in helping. As a Mom, reading is something that is very important to me so the recent announcement […]