After my “tire” experience yesterday, I sucked and didn’t get the Sunday Stroll up. I’m sorry! Please No Pitchforks! (Atleast you can always count on some humor eh?)
Of course, dont miss out on two great giveaways going on right here at For The Love of Baby! You can win a WarmMe Warm Mouse here and also a Custom Blog Design from ABOG Designs is up for grabs!
The “4 U Birthday Bash” began today over at MomDot and The Not-So-Blog Blog. Go check out while Trisha and Bridgette celebrate Charlotte and Lily’s 4th Birthdays and you get the chance at some awesome prizes!
Head over to Everything Up Close for your chance to win a very cool Envirosax bag!
Over at Organize with Sandy Reviews, you’ve got the chance to win a Console Caddie!
Now, there’s a new site up that you REALLY NEED TO GO CHECK OUT! PlayDate Picks is brand new and you are going to love it! Now go over there and LOOK because you are going to see some familiar faces too! (Insert Exaggerated Winking here!)
Now if I haven’t given you enough to do today, Mr. Linky is going up for any contests or posts you’d like more people to see and check out!
Thanks so much for hosting the listing! Your blog totally. cracks. me. up. =)
I left a link to my Persnicketea GiveAway!
Thanks for you late Sunday Stroll! And for the Playdate Picks mention!
This is a great blog! I’d really like to know how you can add the “link” feature. Will you put instructions on your blog so we can try it on our blog?