Staying In Touch With Far Away Family

Staying In Touch With Far Away Family 1

When family live far away, it can become difficult to stay in touch. You can’t just go over to visit and scheduling phone calls takes some work, especially when you’re in different time zones. However, just because there’s some distance between you, doesn’t mean that you can’t stay close to your family. Making an effort in the time between those precious visits can be done, but you need to be willing to work out.

Staying In Touch With Far Away Family 2
Keep those family bonds close with these tips for staying in touch with far away family.

Start a family newsletter

You might laugh at the thought of a family newsletter, but they can be a really good way to share news from the family and make sure everyone knows what’s going on. Not everyone uses Facebook or Instagram, but they’re more likely to have an email address. Put a date in the diary once a month to keep your family updated and share upcoming dates like birthdays and anniversaries. People will still get used to receiving it and look forward to it dropping in their mailbox once a month.

Schedule regular phone calls

The great thing about phones being portable is that it makes it even easier to stay in touch with your loved ones. Make it a regular thing by sticking to the same time every week or every fortnight for close family, allowing you to check in on each other and maintain a close relationship. Even when you’re out and about, you can video chat and share your day with them to help make it feel like they’re there. People are always on the other end of the phone, so don’t be afraid to pick up when you need to talk or need some advice.

Send them gifts to help them remember you

Not that your family would forget you, but it can be fun to send gifts to show that you’re thinking of them. A care package of their favorite treats or some photo postcards are a great thing you can send regularly, or you can get more creative with your gift. Instead of sending a holiday card this year, why not make a custom bobbleheads bulk order of each member of the family and send them round? A little something to say ‘I saw this and thought of you’ is a thoughtful way to show that you care.

Plan a surprise visit

A long time can go by between family visits, so if you want to plan the perfect surprise, why not add in another secret visit between family reunions? Come up with a money-saving family strategy to afford the airfare and get planning! While a phone call and a letter here and there are always welcome, you’ll never beat the feeling of surprising a loved one with a visit.

However you like to keep in touch with your family, make sure you do it. Family is important and distance doesn’t matter, so keep your family close by even when they’re not by finding fun and simple ways to stay in touch.

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