Spoil Your Fur Baby with Fancy Feast® Broths #LoveABowl

Spoil Your Fur Baby with Fancy Feast® Broths #LoveABowl 1

Tracking PixelAs a pet owner, we love high quality products for them.hat’s why I was thrilled at the opportunity to try out Fancy Feast® Broths as a part of this sponsored post program.
Having a pet in our family is more than just a pet, they are a part of the family. As I call them our “Fur Babies”, it’s no surprise that we want what’s best for them and of course, we spoil them as well whenever we can.

FANCYCatFoBroth1429344_CF___JPEG_3Fancy Feast® has created a new line perfect for spoiling your special cat with their . A meal created without by-products or fillers, each pouch of Fancy Feast® Broths contains high-quality REAL seafood and vegetables. If your cat is anything like mine, they’ll love being spoiled with “human food”.

With ready to pour pouches, you can easily feed your cat the perfect portion without worrying about spilling cat food all over as well, a common occurrence with a fur ball under our feet. As soon as Whiskey got a smell of the Fancy Feast®, he was buried into his dish. I knew it immediately got his seal of approval as he came back into the living room “licking his chops”. We had one content kitty.

There are a variety of seafood and vegetable combinations and the broths come in “Creamy” or “Classic”. I don’t feed our cats wet cat food regularly but as a treat and it’s a perfect for giving your feline friends a special weekly dinner 😉Broths

Each broth contains seafood and veggies such as :

  • Tuna
  • Shrimp
  • Mackerel
  • Salmon
  • Carrots
  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • Sweet Potatoes

When we went the best for our pets, products like Fancy Feast® Broths is a name I know I can trust to provide the highest quality available. If you want to learn more, check out the website and check out the options your cat is sure to love like mine.


This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf Fancy Feast®.

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1 Comment

  1. (Spoil Your Fur Baby with Fancy Feast® Broths #LoveABowl) My sister-in-law gave me a dollar off coupon to try this cat-food for our three cats, all three of them really liked it a lot too-

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