If you follow me on Twitter, you know this morning I was getting my hair done. Well, here yall go! You knew it would be crazy and wild right?
If you follow me on Twitter, you know this morning I was getting my hair done. Well, here yall go! You knew it would be crazy and wild right?
I love it! I think it looks awesome on you!
It’s great! It really fits you!
Looks great!
It looks great!!!
It looks great on you!
I love it! You look great!
I have something for you
Honestly, I love it.
? it !
That’s friggin crazy awesome Jenna!
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Wow! Love it! I couldn’t pull that off, but it’s wild and fun and crazy and it looks great on you!
The husband has been lying to me all day and now finally told me he hates it 🙁 Which sucks because I havent been this happy about my hair in a long time.
I think it’s hot!!
ooooh I LOVE that color on you! It’s PERFECT! Awwww, I can’t believe he hates it 🙁 I showed DH and he thinks it looks good. 😉
looking good
That is awesome and looks great on you. I LOVE that cut. I would love something similiar but every time I try to explain a cut the stylist doesn’t get it. It’s really cool.
i really like it a lot!
Awesome do! I could never pull that off. You look great!