Nathan has been sick since Friday. The thing is I can’t tell you what he is sick with.
The only thing telling us he is sick is a fever that will instantly pop back up if we aren’t keeping medicine in him. He’s also getting moments of absolute misery where nothing we can do makes him happy. He is normally the twin that LOVES to pick on Mommy and be ornery. I know he isn’t feeling good to want to completely cuddle on me and not try to find what he can get into next.
Today with the fever still there, we agreed I needed to take him in to be checked out. Sure enough, ears were fine, throat was fine.
I pretty much got told to wait it out.
I hate seeing my little ones hurting, especially when I don’t know what I can do to make them better.
1 Comment
Don’t be surprised if you wake up in the next couple of days and see a rash from head to toe! What you have described in your post is identical to what a friend dealt with all last week with her little boy. Tons of tests and absolutely nothing to explain his incessant fevers and misery. Yesterday morning he woke up covered, from head to toe, in a horrible red rash … diagnosis … Roseola!