Welcome to the Shower of Gifts Mothers Day Extravaganza To Celebrate Mother’s Day, Mommies Reviews, A Texas Girl Blogs Oh My Heartsie Girl & Oh My Heartsie Girl are hosting this event
One (1) person will win a gift package. Giveaway will run until Thursday, May 9th until 11:59 pm CST. Open to US mailing addresses only.Winners will be drawn by Rafflecopter, Winner will have 24 hours to respond, if the winner does not reply, a new winner will be picked by Rafflecopter.
Good luck!
We’ve teamed up with some awesome Direct Sales Moms and Businesses moms to bring you the Shower of Gifts out Mother’s Day Giveaway! One lucky person will win a gift package to pamper themselves this Mother’s Day! Details below on how to enter.
This giveaway is hosted by MamaJenna.com, 2 CrochetHooks.com, Faithn’PixieDust.com, ShoppingConsultantExtradinaire.com, SweepTheStake.com, Digital Blitz , A Golden Ticket Blog , Thrity One
Enter for a chance to win prizes for a mom, i.e., gift cards, gifts certificates, jewelry,
Lilla Rose, CD’s, Simply Aroma, Digital Blitz,Undercover Wear, GC Thirty One, Starbucks GC, Amazon GC, Firmoo, Swag Bag,Silpada Earrings, Simply 4You GC, Beauticontrol , Plexus, Laso Tea, It Works $10 Gift Certificate, $10 Gift Card to spend on her Avon website, Lip Gloss from Younique,
Travel Set from Lemon Grass Spa, 2 Lip Stick $20 each, these are just a few.
**But Wait There’s A BONUS**
Firmo Eye Glasses has Five Gift Certificates to giveaway,there is a task in RC for 5 lucky people at a chance to win.

Luane Humphries
Thirty One Gifts
Patty Muich Shopping Consultant Extraordinaire
Lila Rose Flexi Clip
Renee Brown 2 Interviews
Digital Blitz
2 1 hour interviews $20
Jena Goodwin –Simply Aroma
We have a travel size gift kit from Ginny to pamper ourselves
There are so many prizes we did not have room to list them but you can view the
Entire List Of Prizes Here
We are so pleased to share this Mothers Day Giveaway, we have had such a wonderful response for sponsors we know you would love to win this event. Easy Peasy just follow the tasks in the Rafflecopter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
If you are hosting a giveaway on your blog you are welcome to add it here If you would like to add your giveaways to the Linky please include ending date, and if it is for USA and/or Canada.
Th delivery of prizes is the sole responsibility of the sponsors
Hi Jenna, I wanted to stop by and thank you for hosting the Mothers Day event, It all came together so fast. I hope that you will have lots of new visitor, gain FB followers and comments. I love your blog it is so cute!!
Have a great day!
Karren Haller
If I have to pick only one person then I pick my son, but in reality I am spending part of Mother’s Day with just him and the other part with him, my mom, and sisters. My son and I plan on snuggling up and watching some movies and he has some surprises he made for me! When we go to my mom’s my sister’s and son (with plenty of help) will make us dinner and then I will clean up for my mom. I got her some new nail polish so we will probably do each others nails 🙂
I am so Pleased you decided to host the Giveaway with me. I hope we can continue to work together as I am so impressed with your blog and what I can learn from you.
I would love the #F1016 – Burgundy glasses from Firmoo!
My idea Mother’s Day gift is whatever my son makes me! I love how much time and effort he puts in to create special pictures and “creations” for me. They are so special! As far as an idea “material” gift goes I would love some new earrings or a new book or Amazon gift card to choose some for my Kindle.
I would most like to spend Mother’s Day with my daughters and my husband. After all they are the reason I’m a mother. I’d love to go with them to the park for a picnic and just relax the whole day.
My ideal Mother’s Day gift would be one of those infinity rings you see on the internet with the birthstones of my 2 daughters. I love jewelry and I have been eyeing one of these rings for a few years now. Just absolutely beautiful. I will take whatever is given to me though. It’s the thought that counts the most. 🙂
I’d spend the day with my husband at a Baltimore orioles game! 🙂
My ideal Mother’s Day would be having The Trio and their children visit and go to eat Paella.
What a great giveaway! Neat! I would love a day for my son and I to go spend time together doing all of his favorite things! That would be a great mothers day gift!