Shopping with Twins

Iowa Twins

The other day while out grocery shopping, we had both twins in separate carts. Steven walked to the meat counter with Nathan and was ordering as I stood to the side next to the cart with Lucas.

Sure enough, I saw it coming. Another meat department guy came up to ask me what he could get me or, “I’m with them.”

As my mom and I moved down the way to another aisle, “That would have been the perfect time to make a joke! We kind of have matching babies if you notice.”

Yes, I’m getting good at my comments.

I need to come up with some fun ones for “Are those Twins?”


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  1. Oh, to “are they twins?” I say: “No, I found him outside and thought he was pretty cute.” People do a double take at me, and I laugh. Why do people always ask such dumb questions about twins?!?! Ever feel like you’re a walking sideshow with them in tow?

  2. I have a friend who has five kids – all under the age of 7 (I have no idea how she does it) – and two are twins. She is constantly talking about how many people ask her “are they twins?” and “did you have all of them?!” It seems like she can’t go anywhere without being asked one of those two questions. I can only imagine how annoying it would be to be asked the same thing over and over.

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