Whether we’d like to admit or not, we are all coming to realize that Summer is on it’s way out and Fall is getting ready to come. Halloween things are showing up in the stores, and soon we will see trees covered with all shades of leaves. Recently, I’ve been trying to be a bit more proactive in menu planning and in finding meals to make for dinner. It’s always fun to check out season appropriate meals so what would be better than Chili for the breezy weather coming through? With how often I’m constantly run, run, run- I have been attempting to look at easy meals and crock pot recipes always seem to fit it all.
Over at Busy-Mommy.com, I took the chance to look at her Recipe Box and discovered some fun and delicious looking meals! One that caught my eye was her CrockPot Southwestern Turkey Chili and all I could think was YUM! I am always a fan of that little kick of spice. With a recipe as quick as browning your meat, throwing everything in the crockpot and letting it slow cook for 6-8 hours, busy Moms can have a great meal on the table and still have the time to get other house errands done before that notorious, “I’m hungry” kicks in.
Busy-Mommy has several fun recipes in her online recipe box that I am looking forward to the chance at trying. With the holidays coming up, there’s several I’d love to try for family get togethers!
What are your favorite holiday recipes?
1 Comment
I’ve been ready for fall since winter… ‘course it seems that’s only a few weeks here in Idaho!