I am sure we have all heard bits and pieces about the battle of school lunches. What’s appropriate for our children? What needs to go? While my little ones are not school age yet, I do have two little brothers that are in school so I do think about these things.
When I recently heard that some schools are REMOVING chocolate milk from their lunch programs, I was a bit stunned. I remember in school being SO excited for Chocolate Milk days and couldn’t wait to get my hands on one of those cartons as I went through the lunch line. And yes, I was also one of those kids that would rather skip the milk back then if I couldn’t get chocolate. (I’m stubborn, some things just don’t change!)
Milk plays such a vital role in getting the nutrients we all need. I strongly believe that I’m not the only one out there that skipped the milk when I couldn’t get chocolate milk and that taking Chocolate Milk out of school lunch programs will ultimately be more detrimental to our children than beneficial.
Having that chocolate milk is just a bonus and I know that I am teaming up to support the Got Milk? Campaign, Raise Your Hand for Chocolate Milk! By supporting this awesome campaign, I’ve added my name to the many raising those hands saying keep chocolate milk in our schools!
Help our kids meet their Daily Dairy Nutritional Value Needs and support this awesome campaign! You can check out the Raise Your Hand For Milk Website to learn more about why Chocolate Milk helps our children or you can show your support with the widget below.
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You can also learn more by following Chocolate Milk on Twitter! If you follow myself, I’m sure you’ve probably seen the following tweet showing my support for Chocolate Milk in our schools as well. Join in!
Raise your hand for the bone-building benefits found in #chocolatemilk and show your support for choc milk in schools @http://bit.ly/4geOS4
What a great post! I know I sure love chocolate milk.
I love chocolate milK!
you are so right. keep the chocolate millk
Most kids would choose chocolate milk over plain ol white milk any day! I know I sure did.
Thanks for the post. i really didn’t know they were trying to take chocolate milk out of schools. I personally only will drink chocolate milk, so I know that it’s important to keep that as a choice because it’s the only way some kids get any milk!