2017 has been a year of growth in our family journey. We have re-focused several efforts and I would say I took a step back from blogging over the year as I focused on advocating for my children. The twins had a variety of important appointments, evaluations, and services that required my undivided attention and focus. I found myself reading civil code and procedural manuals way more than I expected. I knew I had to have all knowledge ready so I knew where I needed to take them next. Lucas and Nathan started Kindergarten and have truly blown me away. We still require regular therapy services to keep us moving forward but the boys have shined like rockstars.
The big kids have kept busy participating in sports, Christmas plays, Girl Scouts, and so much more. It’s felt amazing to participate in the extracurricular activities whenever my body has allowed.
Our family continues to grow stronger and more focused, which leaves me excited for 2018. With our growth, I have decided on a word of focus for 2018 and that word is investment. Not only will that bring me investing time into my online presence again but investing in the relationships I have. Friends. Family. It all matters. Brian and I are excited to look at ways we can continue to grow and better ourselves. I plan to challenge myself to find ways I can continue to invest in all aspects of our life.
Part of my online investment will be bringing more resources to all of you. Whether it be in growing your own social media presence, helping others who need help advocating for their children, or finding what works for you, I hope to see how I can help each and every one of you.
We are excited for what 2018 will bring and excited to share it all with you!