Personal Attacks won’t help you attack Nestle

I’ve watched the “brawl” take place on Twitter. It’s gotten quite ridiculous actually. I’ve seen individuals called rascist, I’ve been told I kill babies by eating Nestle products.

GROW UP!! You do not sound intelligent attacking individuals on a personal level. Seriously folks, what are you teaching your children?

If you are passionate about something, be PROACTIVE. Sitting on Twitter telling people they are “eating blood-soaked cookies” really doesn’t accomplish much. It kind of reminds me of abortion clinic bombers. Just saying.

So, what can you do to help save the children dying in third world countries?

I will continue to purchase and use Nestle products. As for the rest, start looking at the BIGGER picture.

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  1. I wish someone would tell me that I’m killing babies by eating Nestle Crunch. I don’t understand the nestle drama. at all.

  2. I dont see how my eating a Butterfinger bar, cooking with Carnation Milk or trick or treating with Nestle candies that i am killing a child. Seems like some people need to get their facts organized!

  3. I came across the Twitter thread due to the amount of traffic coming to the Baby Milk Action websites thanks to people posting links to inform followers of Nestlé malpractice with the way it markets formula in breach of international standards and other issues.

    I saw a few over the top comments, though missed any like those referred to in this post. The vast majority seemed to be trying to impart useful information, respond to bloggers requests for questions to put to Nestlé and correct Nestlé’s untrue comments relayed by bloggers. Nestlé was clearly hoping to have its line relayed without investigation or comment and it came badly unstuck.

    My take on the event is at:

    I certainly agree with the headline of this blog, but concluding that any critical information about Nestlé should be ignored and the boycott be rejected because of a few nasty posts is a very disappointing response – and one that over zealous promoters of the boycott need to learn from.

    My fear was that some in attendance would side blindly with Nestlé because they would not want to think ill of their hosts – something that I have seen happen before and a phenomena that drives Nestlé’s strategy of trying to sponsor influential people.

    Having a few nasty posts blank out the genuine, evidence-based concerns, politely put, is another hazard to raising awareness those wishing to hold Nestlé to account should also be alert too.

    1. Mike-
      Thank you for a very well-written comment. Very different compared to many of the comments I have seen coming at other bloggers. I obviously am not at the Nestle event but in my opinion, making “attacks” that have came through to other individuals, I think the bigger picture in full must be made to look at. How are we helping ourselves? How can we provide safe drinking water? How can we help get food in the hands of mothers so they are not malnourished and can breastfeed if that is what will help them. There are many companies out there atttempting to help such countries and many things can be construed in various ways.

      There will always be the individuals who take their cause “too far” and I feel this is one of the circumstances where this has occurred. I personally use Nestle products on a regular basis. Will I boycott them? No. I feel it is within ourselves to find our own ways to help and attacking isn’t going to get help to those who need it.

  4. I don’t understand what is going on. I’ve just started hearing about something going on about Nestle, but haven’t figured out exactly what. My question is, how many people actually know what is going on and how many are just trying to get in on the latest contoversy?

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