Now Entering the Double Trouble Terrible Twos

Now Entering the Double Trouble Terrible Twos 1

Nathan and LucasAs the twins are preparing for their second birthday, I find myself starting to worry about what’s to come in this lovely “terrible twos” stage.

I’ve found myself searching quite a bit for information about twins fighting with each other and sure enough, I am not alone in this lovely situation. Nathan and Lucas have bite marks and everything else in between. I literally find myself pulling one off the other. And sticking your hand in between is much like breaking up a dog fight, watch out or you might fall prey to a bite. While Kelsie and Aubrey were close together in age, they were nothing like this. These boys go NUTS when they are mad at each other.

I didn’t expect that until they were teenagers fighting over a girl. 

While some say starting speech therapy will help these two so they can communicate versus being aggressive, they haven’t budged in picking up any new words really. They prefer their eh eh for “talking” no matter what we do to try “forcing” them to talk.

We’ve tried distracting, Nathan doesn’t self-soothe and can literally have a fit for an hour, calm down, and go right back to the tantrum. It’s something we’re watching with Early Access working with them. Hopefully this is something that is a “phase” and we will grow out of.

So as this round of double trouble terrible twos begins, I hope my patience grows (maybe the wine collection can grow *cough cough*. We’re in it for long haul boys.

Have you dealt with twins fighting?

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1 Comment

  1. Sounds like phases. It’s good you see the issues and are doing something for them. They are darling and you are so fortunate to have twins 🙂

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