This morning I woke up in full on allergy attack. Sneezy, eyes itchy, and my throat feeling yuck. I thought I’d see what I could find about the pollen counts in our area. My allergist told me this is one of the highest pollen count years.
A very cool resource I found was at This site shows National and Local “Allergy Forecasts” making it easier for allergy sufferers such as myself to help brace for what the day might bring.
You can also find the 4 day forecast for your city. I looked up Ames, Iowa and it was obvious why I’m feeling the way I am when I saw this.
Atleast I know to be ready for tomorrow as well.
Ugh, I have been sick for days, and this may explain why. I thought it was allergies but it has gotta so much worse – swallowing almost brings me to tears. No fever, just feeling crummy. Yuck yuck. Thank goodness I work from home – I am not leaving the house! hahaha
.-= Lynsey Jones´s last blog ..The Power of Focus =-.
woohoo..thanks for the awesome link..My forecast for tommorrow looks great here in NJ 3.1 thats nice and low!!