More Physical Therapy, More Trigger Points.

More Physical Therapy, More Trigger Points. 1

Since my last trigger point injection appointment, I started physical therapy again at a new clinic. I was really hesitant to go at it again but they told me to do it. Fine. Luckily, I have been very happy with my physical therapy through the clinic here in Nevada. I actually feel like I’m being listened to and not just “do this”. FINALLY!

Last week, I started having some nasty pain in my shoulder that was of course, starting my headaches back up. Monday-Toradol and sent on way. Tuesday-Toradol and sent on way. Wednesday-X-Ray and sent on way. They then wanted to do an MRI (I should say to my primary care dr. has been out on family emergency so I’ve been forced to see other drs. that know nothing about me.) I then decided to go to my chiropractor. Just a trigger point on my rotator cuff causing all my issues. This just sucked to hear. Since my second round of trigger points, I don’t think it was as successful as the first round. Of course, the first round did a heck of alot more injections.

I was told to get ahold of Iowa City to get it again. Yeah, well 2 hours one way just doesn’t work out too well when you have to have another person with you. Obviously, we don’t want the girls to go and see Mommy get these injections all over. It stinks.

Friday, my primary care doctor is supposed to be back and I have an appointment. We don’t know but maybe oh just maybe, I can try getting him to refer me somewhere closer for a pain management specialist? Only trying will tell.

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1 Comment

  1. Oh I am so sorry to hear all of this. I had to have a breast reduction because I was an I cup (6 D’s – no joke) and I had to get injections and therapy on my shoulders and neck. No fun at all.

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