With our recent move, we waited to get the house settled before I brought our cats over from my ex. With a broken heart, our Carter kitty was not handling the transition well and when there was a thunderstorm Friday night/Saturday morning, he pushed a screen out in the upstairs and took off outside.
Carter has NEVER been an outdoor cat in the time we’ve had him, about five years. He is a neutered male a bit on the chubby side. He is a bashful cat unless usually I am around and he will be scared and likely hungry outside :*( My daughters’ are both heartbroken and I’ve promised I’d do everything we can.
Someone is 90% sure they saw him near the Nevada Fairgrounds when it was semi-dark out two nights in a row. Last night, myself, my cousin, and her husband all went looking until it was just too dark to see.
Please help find our sweet baby boy and bring him home.
We love and miss you Carter. Please come home safe :*(