Yesterday night, I caught a quick glimpse of Inside Edition, interviewing Michelle “Bombshell” McGee. Let’s just say I wasn’t impressed.
Nothing but excuses. A pity party. Let’s feel sorry for me. Sorry but I’m not feeling the “she doesn’t know my side of the story”. Just as you said, many people think you are a fame whore. According to you, you aren’t. Um, so why did you go on Inside Edition? Why are you about to go on a “Nightclub Tour”? How much money are you making off all this right now. You got involved in a situation with a MARRIED man and CELEBRITY. Funny how that works. It always comes out. In one way, shape, or form-people WILL find out. You wanted to tell America to “Stop taking it out on the mistresses” but like anyone knows, it takes two to tango love. Michelle, you knew exactly what you were doing-don’t you dare try saying you were “duped as much as Sandra”.
Grow a set. You’re getting the money for it. Doing something to get fame, your 15 minutes, whatever the hell it is=FAME WHORE.
I feel so out of the loop. I assume she’s the woman that Jesse cheated on Sandra Bullock with?
.-= Paula´s last blog ..Pretty Flowers =-.
Whaaa…who is she LOL??? OK off to google this stuff and they all say they aren’t fame whores before going on 1223456 TV Talk Shows.
.-= Brittany´s last blog ..I’m In Love With Her =-.
I’m on team Sandra as well. I wanna steal that team Sandra T-Shirt pic and put it on my sidebar!
.-= Christine ´s last blog ..Hook, Line, and Sinker =-.
Umm… Is it a bad thing that I don’t know who she is? If I had to take a wild guess I’m thinking this has to do w/ Sandra Bullock (but that’s only ’cause of the pic of the t-shirt you put up.)
I live in my own little world. I rarely come out of it.
You know, with everyone saying they have no clue who it is-I didn’t want to put a picture up of her. If I did, I bet you alot would be “OOOOHHHHH”