I am a Fun And Zany Mom! I also have two fun, zany, crazy little girls! And with that, I love fun and bright colors for the clothes Kelsie and Aubrey wear!
I was lucky enough to learn about Little MissMatched and I am IN LOVE! From their socks to fun bedding, the designs are unique and spunky! From the Little Missmatched site themselves-
Here’s how it all started: We were sitting around talking about the pesky problem of the lost sock. You know, the one the dryer always eats? We thought, “Why do we have to wear matching socks, anyway? Maybe matching is overrated?!” It was one of those “aha” moments. We thought…why not start a company that sells socks that don’t match on purpose? Why not sell them in odd numbers so even if the dryer eats one, it doesn’t matter. And best of all, if you get three socks that mismatch (but coordinate in fabulously fun ways) then you get three choices for a pair instead of just one. Suddenly socks weren’t just boring socks, but a way to express yourself and be kookily creative.
Kelsie got the chance to check out the Black Zany Long Sleeve Cotton PJs and she loved them as much as me! When I opened the door to the brightly colored package, I knew we were in for some fun. Kelsie WANTED to put on her PJs the second I pulled them out (so nice compared to Miss Independent’s typical No way Mom!) As you can see she had to go have some fun and let Mommy take some pictures of her in her pretties. Not only were these pajamas soft they were also warm which is important with how cold Iowa winters had been.
And right now, Little MissMatched has a contest of their own going on! The LittleMissMatched Project Sock Design Contest gives you the chance to design the next 3 pack of socks that “in true Little MissMatched spirit, don’t match. Not only does the winning designer have his/her socks join the LittleMissMatched collection and go into production, they also receive a prize of $500.”
Check out the Project Sock Design Contest! And of course, let me know your favorite LittleMissMatched items!
Socks huh? 😉
Aren’t these the best? I’m dying to redo the girls room in their bedding.
ooh, now this sounds like a competition i could get into!!