It’s Beginning…hehehe

You might see some stuff starting to “hide” on my blog sidebars. I’m taking some stuff down right now as Becky at Creative Blog Designs is working on an absolutely AWESOME design for For The Love of Baby! I know I am cluttered right now so I am trying to clean some of this up while she creates so I can then have everything looking great for you!

We WILL be hosting a “re-launch” party in the next couple of weeks to celebrate Aubrey being born, Kelsie becoming a big sister, and another BIG event that is going to be happening for our family in the next several weeks! If you have an online boutique or a product you would like to be featured please feel free to contact me at jenbrat05 at yahoo dot com. We will be looking for sponsors of giveaways for the party that will also be advertised on the blog for a period of time just to show our appreciation for taking part in our celebraton!

I hope to hear from all of you!

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  1. Looking Good!!! Congrats on the new little one too 😀 I don’t think I told you congrats yet!

  2. hi! I found your blog from Creative Designs – Becky just finished mine and I love it. she did a great job on yours, too.

    congrats on your new little one! I bow down in awe that you are blogging so soon after having a baby. I was basically in a coma for a month or 2 afterwards.

    anywhoooo, nice to “meet” you

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