I’m Just a Little Black Rain Cloud…

Eeyore in the rain Pictures, Images and Photos

Pay no attention to me! Yup, I feel like Eeyore right now so please bare with me. My dr’s clinic last year gave me a diagnosis I knew was not possible. Over the past year, I’ve simply put…been put through HELL. I finally stood up for myself since they had yet to show me lab work proving the diagnosis and had my blood drawn elsewhere. ALL TESTS WERE NEGATIVE. I’m sure you can imagine that feeling. I’m not dealing with this clinic and they are not making it easy for me so I am having to look into legally what I can do. I promise I’m still here just bare with me if I might act like Eeyore-its my way of not turning into the Tasmanian Devil. Belive me, Mean Jenna is not a Fun one!

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  1. Oooh. I’ve been feeling a little Eyeore-ish myself lately. I couldn’t imagine facing other people while I’m at it. You are a superstar!

  2. You aren’t the first person I’ve heard about this week who is having issues with wrong results.
    Email me if you need some legal advice, my hubby is pretty handy with that stuff!

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