I’m Allergic to Dogs

Today I went in to see my allergist for the first visit in awhile. I haven’t had allergy testing in 6+ years. It’s never a fun experience to have all those jabs as the allergens enter your skin but hey, it’s what you have to do sometimes.

I'm Allergic to Dogs 1

While I came up with the typical allergies I’ve always had. But there’s one the doctor said that seriously was a jab in the stomach. Allergic to dogs. How the heck am I allergic to dogs? I’ve been around all sorts of animals my entire life. I’ve played with dogs my entire life, I’ve volunteered with at our animal shelter playing with the cats and taking dogs for walks. I LOVE DOGS.

Our dog at my Mom’s house Buddy is a HUGE Sheltie. I mean Lion King Furball. We’ve had him since I was 13 or 14. I love Buddy. We wrestle. We chase each other and play tug of war when it’s sunny out.

I’m grumpy now.

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  1. I’m sorry. I’m allergic to dogs according to the dander and saliva test. Basically I’m allergic to all things furry from my allergy tests. I’m even allergic to horses. All these years I thought it was the hay.
    .-= Amanda´s last blog ..Military Needs to Make Up Its Mind =-.

  2. Sorry to hear that. Such a downer! We have problems with allergies here in the country, also. The livestock, the pollen from the crops, and sometimes the chemicals that we use will sometimes cause reactions. Well, just more medications for you I guess.

  3. That sucks! I love dogs too, well except for my own little sneaky one! lol Just kidding…I do like her…a little! 😉

    I used to have a Shelty too…LOVE them! They’re sooo cute and fluffy! I’d say if they haven’t bothered you in the past then don’t worry about it and keep lovin and being around them.
    .-= Stefanie´s last blog ..Small Talk Six =-.

  4. Couldn’t you use prescription Flonase before you go and visit your dog there, so you won’t get too stuffed up or have to big of a reaction to him?
    I’d see if there was something you could use or take pre-visiting him to make your visits there less bothersome.

    1. They are re-starting me on an allergy med but I’ve never really seen a reaction to him.

    1. I don’t know that I really can say I am but who knows? There’s LOTS of other possible allergens and Buddy’s never bothered me.

  5. Oh no I’m sorry Jenna =( I would be heart broken too if I became allergic to dogs. Me and Owen are big dog lovers and spend hours at the dog store in the mall about 3x a week lol.
    .-= Brandy´s last blog ..Rainbow Brite Giveaway! =-.

  6. I’m sorry Jenna..that sucks! I lived with dogs my entire life and when I moved out of my mom’s house and lived without them for awhile, I too became allergic! It’s terrible, because I LOVE dogs and if I touch them my skin starts to itch, my lungs start to hurt and my eyes turn bright red.

    I have just learned to wash my arms and hands right after I touch them, but unfortunately I can’t do anything about the fact that it affects my lungs ;(

  7. Maybe I’m crazy, but I had no idea anyone was allergic to dogs! Cats, for sure. Even I am. But dogs? We just simply avoid animals altogether because of our sensitivity. But… dogs are everywhere!!!

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